Columbus Technical College is a member of the Southwest Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) consortium, also known as the LSAMP-Southwest Georgia Alliance. The vision of the program is to aid in the diversification of the nation’s science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workforce by increasing the number of STEM-related degrees earned by underrepresented minority (URM) students. The initiative focuses on student development, retention and academic matriculation.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the program, an applicant must:
- Be a student enrolled at one of the partner institutions (Columbus State University, Columbus Technical College, Georgia Southwestern University, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College or Valdosta State University)
- Pursue an associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree in an LSAMP approved science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline
- Be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident with a documented qualifying condition (see application for types of conditions)
- Have a minimum 2.5 high school/college HOPE GPA or GED score 145
- Funding to supplement your education through stipends, professional conferences and undergraduate research opportunities
- Become a member of a select community of undergraduate URM STEM scholars with access to a supportive network of professionals and mentors to help you achieve excellence in STEM courses and beyond in an environment that promotes inclusion in STEM.
- Hands on STEM experiences that includes research training and participation in supervised research projects, interactions with STEM industries and URM STEM professionals to not only provide guidance, but an understanding of what it takes to become a successful professional in STEM
- GRE preparation and guidance into graduate school alongside of career planning and professional development activities that will outline a pathway towards your STEM career
For More Information
Contact Olive Vidal-Kendall, LSAMP Coordinator at ovidalkendall@columbustech.edu.