Steps to Becoming a Graduation Candidate
You’ve come a long way and graduation is just around the corner. Whether or not you choose to attend the commencement ceremony, you will need to apply for graduation. Let us walk you through the process.
Columbus Technical College awards degrees/diplomas/certificates three times a year to students who have applied and are meeting all program requirements at the time final grades are posted.
Commencement is held twice a year in May (spring) and December (fall). Students who complete requirements during the summer semester walk in the December (fall) ceremony.
Candidates completing an embedded TCC, Technical Certificate, Diploma, and/or an Associate Degree.
Candidates should apply after being fully registered for all courses to complete their program of study. Please note that when applying, candidates must apply for the term in which they will take their last course(s) toward program requirements.
Candidates for graduation must apply to graduate using the graduation application available online by the deadline of the semester in which they intend to graduate.
Even if students do not wish to participate in the commencement ceremony, an online application must be submitted.
Graduation Application:
After applying online, the graduation application is received by the Registrar’s Office, who will then begin the graduation auditing process. The graduation audit will indicate any deficiencies or if you are on track to graduate. Once the auditing process in complete, you will receive an email correspondence.
Once grades are posted at the end of each semester, the Registrar’s staff will verify graduation requirements for each candidate and individually award degrees/diplomas/certificates. Graduates will be notified via email/postcard once their credential is ready for pickup. Credential pickup takes approximately 45 days.
If you need verification of graduation for an employer or transfer institution, you may order an official transcript online or provide a copy of your awarding credential upon receipt. It takes approximately 2 weeks for awards to post to academic transcripts.
There is a $40 graduation fee due at the end of your graduating semester. Graduation fees not paid will result in your degree, diploma, or certificate not being printed. Whether or not you choose to attend the commencement ceremony, the graduation fee is required. However, the graduation fee is not required for Dual Enrollment students and embedded TCCs. Fees are paid to the Bursar’s Office.