Online Training

First Semester Seminar (SEMN-1000)

INSTRUCTORS:  William Burgan, Crystal Waye, and Zara Parham

CLASS HOURS: Tuesdays: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM or 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM; or Wednesdays 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

ROOM LOCATION: P100 (Mccaulley Auditorium)

OFFICE HOURS:  30 minutes before or after each class.

OFFICE LOCATION:  P405 (Academic Affairs – Patrick Hall)

PHONE NUMBER:  (706) 641-5114


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve success as a student at Columbus Technical College.  Topics are directly related to college success, personal motivation and planning, college processes, and technology awareness. Presentations and discussions on various topics will be led by faculty, staff and selected students who have direct knowledge, expertise and experience related to the topic. Equitable presentations and discussions may take place in an online/hybrid environment.






GRADE CALCULATION: Students must complete the portfolio assignments and attend 100% of the 6 contact hours (6 classes) to receive a grade of S (Satisfactory).  Students who do not complete the seminar will receive a U (Unsatisfactory) and will not be allowed to graduate from Columbus Technical College. Students will also be required to complete the Computer Remediation Modules (3 additional weeks if need is determined by Accuplacer® Computer Literacy Assessment).

ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENT: All assignments (Other than Accuplacer® Computer Literacy Assessment) will be completed online. Student performance will be measured by Rubric Graded proficiency activities. It may be possible to complete multiple proficiency activities at a time. These activities may include:

  • Turning on the computer
  • Using the mouse
  • Sending an email
  • Sending an email with an attachment
  • Finding information on the Internet
  • Creating a document using Microsoft Word
  • Saving a file
  • Opening a saved file
  • Naming the parts of a computer on a diagram

Other Areas Cover Include:

  • How to sign up for early alert warnings in case of campus emergencies.
  • Work Ethics (Attendance, Character, Teamwork, Appearance, Attitude, Productivity, Organizational Skills, Communication, Cooperation, and Respect).
  • Academic Planning: How to use a progress sheet, syllabus, course standard, program standard, and other course tools.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention Program (HAVEN)
  • Negative Consequence of Alcohol Training Program (
  • Computer Skill Remediation (Accuplacer® Computer Literacy Test and Embedded Remediation Course)
  • Learning Readiness Indicator Assessment (Smarter Measure)
  • How to access Free Counseling Services offered by CTC through Cameron and Associates
  • CTC Basics: Financial Aid, Student Disability Services, Registrar Important Dates – Policies and Procedures, CARE Center, Academic Support Labs, Academic Advisement Center, Student Activities and College Life, and Library Services.
  • Life Skills, Mindset, and Metacognitive Strategies: Time Management, Stress Management, and Money Management, How to Learn-Blooms Taxonomy, SQ5R Reading Skills, Mindfulness/Existential Motivation.
